Thursday 30 September 2010


The princess
The main protagonist through out the sequences is the princess playing the princess will be Vicky Winfield (15). There are many reasons why I chose Vicky to play the part as the princess one of them is because her appearence is almost identicle to what I wanted the princess to look like through my sketches and storyboards. I wanted the princess to have long blonde hair and who was all round very natrally pretty and I believe Vicky fits this look and would play the part perfectly.

The prince
The second character in the sequences is the prince who will be played by Lewis O'Hara (17). I believe that Lewis fits the part very well due to certain parts of his appearance, such as his height, skin complexion and his hair. A key feature that I wanted the prince to have was long hair as this advertisement will be set in a different era in the past. Also the sketches that I had drew up of the prince looked very similar to Lewis which is another reason why I chose lewis to play the part.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Final story board

Developed story board

Sketches: inital ideas

Here are some of the sketches that I drew up for the different ideas that would go into my storyboard

Initial ideas

I have come up with a few ideas for what will be seen in the advertisement. These ideas were strongly helped through all all of my research and planning that I have gone through to be able to come up with these ideas.

Looking at all the different types of perfum ads it has helped me to narrow down which type of perfume advert I enjoy the most, this would be perfume adverts with a fairy tale aspects such as the 'Nina by Nina Ricci perfume advert' which I have looked into. Through my audience research I learnt that the audience watching adverts partically enjoy the adverts which are entertaining and they find that entertaining adverts encourage them to buy the product. The kind of TV advertisment which I want to create will be carefully planned and created to be very entertaining to watch.

  1. A princess wandering through the woods alone, she comes across the perfume and sprays it on herself. A prince on a horse shows up and takes the princess by her hand and takes her away...
  2. A young woman running through a tall hedge maze trying to find her way out, she then comes across the perfume and sprays it on herself, suddenly she is free from the maze
  3. A young woman is wandering through the woods covered in an old cloak, she then comes across the perfume and sprays it on herself, she then takes off the old cloak revealing that she is a princess in a beautiful dress...

Monday 27 September 2010

Final idea

Through my research and planning I have decided to follow the natural perfume design. I personally prefer this idea myself as I have come up with a lot of ideas for my advertisement for this product. I also believe that the advertisement will be a lot more interesting to watch in comparison to the Glamorous perfume design.




Here are some images which I have selected that show what kind of advertisement for a Glamorous expensive looking perfume that I want to create. These images follow the same look that am looking into going creating for my final piece.

The way that both these models are dressed are the type of look I would want the model in my piece to look like, wearing a long dress, diamond jewellery, hair style looking professionally done and well kept, strong makeup suitable for evening wear.

Also the locations in both these posters are the type of locations that I would like to shoot my advert in, I want this perfume to be suitable for that glamorous night out so I would want a night life surrounding e.g a bar or party.



nina+ricci+ss+09.jpg cavalli+ss+09.jpg

Here are a few selected images from different perfume adverts, these images show what kind of look I would like my natural perfume design to look like and what the advertisement might look like.

a while back I researched into different perfume adverts that inspired me and that I really liked, one of these was the Nina by Nina Ricci perfume advertisement (The video is also included). I personally enjoyed this advert, I thought it was entertaining, creative. Because of this I would really like to create a piece following similar ideas from this advert.

The model's costume and appearance in the Nina Ricci perfume above is what I would want the model in my adverts

Initial ideas

After the useful questionnaire reasearch I decided to create a brainstorm to help come up with new ideas to develop my ideas for my perfume advert.

Looking now I think the themes that really initally interest me are Fairy tale, Galmorous and Natural - I will develop these three ideas by sketching and designg.

To help me further I am going to research into real and very successful perfumes that use some of these themes.

Audience research overlook...

My first questionnaire was to simply narrow down what types of advertisments people enjoyed/most interested in. The product that was most intereted in advertising that the most people selected was perfume- only women selected this answer which tells me that men would not nessasarilly would not be the right target audience when it comes to selling perfume. All women that answered the questionnaire were white british, all students and between the ages of '15 - 19'.

In my second questionnaire I became very interested in the females keen interest in perfume - hense why I decided to create a questionnaire asking questions on perfume. I searched for different women to answer this questionnaire this time to see if they too were just as interested in perfume as the last lot. I asked "how often do you buy perfume?" - 'every 5 months' was the most popular vote which shows that most women buy perfume quite often. Then I asked "what type of perfume do you look for?" the most popular vote was 'nice scent' - this tells me that advertising the perfume for its attractive scent would be very important. then I asked " what type of scent of perfume do you buy?" the most popular vote was 'sweet'.

Overall the questionnaires were very helpful into helping me find out what the audience want to see and dont want to see.


from this I have learnt that not only am I going to advertise a perfume advert but the standards that my perfume will need to have which is to have a "nice, sweet scent"


I have also learn more about the type of target audience that I need to reach out to with my perfume adverts which is...

-between the ages of '15 to 30'

Monday 20 September 2010

Audience research

From the previous Questionnaire it became clear to me that more 'perfume' is the advert that most people are interested in, from this I wanted to do another questionnaire on perfume for females only to gather more useful research.

Female only 10 new females answered the questionnaire

(Q1) How old are you?

8 selected '15 - 19', 2 selected '20-30'

(Q2) occupation?

8 selected student, two selected 'other' and stated "hairdresser"

(Q3) have you ever OR do you wear pefume?

All 10 selected 'wear perfume'

(Q4) how often do you purchase perfume?

2 selected 'monthly', 4 selected 'once every 5 months' and the rest selected 'once a year'

(Q5) what type of perfume do you look for?

5 selected 'nice scent', two selected ' bottle design' and 3 seleted ' the designer lable'

(Q6) what type of scent of perfume do you buy

8 selected 'sweet', two selected 'natural scent'

Audience research

This Questionnaire was a Qualitative Survey Questionnaire asking questions to narrow down what type of advertisements they are most interested in and what makes a good advertisement.

Female only 8 females answered this questionnaire

Q1) How old are you? -

Four out of eight females that were between the ages of fifteen and nineteen, one female was between the ages of ten and fifteen.

Q2) Occupation? -

All females were students

Q3) Ethnicity ? -

All women were White British

Q4) How often do you watch TV? -

Four women selected 'sometimes', four women selected ' everyday'

Q5) Do you enjoy advertisements? -

four women selected 'no', one selected depends, three selected 'sometimes'

Q6) What types of advertisements are you most interested in?

6 women selected 'perfume', two selected 'new technology'


Male only 8 males answered this questionnaire

(Q1) How old are you?-

6 out of 8 males were the ages between 'fifteen and ninteen' 2 were between the ages of '20 and 30'

(Q2) Occupation? -

All males were students

(Q3) Ethnicity?-

5 out of 8 males were 'white british', 2 selected 'asain'

(Q4) How often do you watch TV?-

7 out of 8 males said 'everyday', one selected 'sometimes'

(Q5) Do you enjoy Advertisements?-

4 males selected 'depends', one selected 'yes' and three said 'no'

(Q5) What types of Advertisements are you most interested in?-

2 men selected 'new technology', 1 selected 'cars', the rest selected 'none'

Perfume research: what I have learnt

From the research I had carried out into perfume it was very useful in showing me the many different ways which perfume is presented and that the way it is presented has an effect on the perfume itself. Due to presentation it not only shows the audience what kind of perfume it is but what kind of people it is suited for.

Also researching into the different types of perfume has helped me to understand that I also need to decide what particular type of perfume my own will be in order for this perfume to be successful.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Perfume research

This perfume could be seen as a natural and soft looking perfume, suited for a much wider varitey of women. The use of colours such as blues and greens gives a real natural look to this perfume. However these two colours are also very soft shades of blue and green giving this perfume a real soft look also. The use of birds in the image reinforces the idea of this perfume advert going with a very natural look. Also the way that Britney Spears is dressed in this image could perhaps show what type of audience is targeted at, she is wearing very simple clothes which also show off a lot of skin. This could perhaps portray the idea of natural beauty. This therefor supports the idea of this being a very natural perfume.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Perfume research

This particular perfume would be seen as a very glamorous and a very expensive looking perfume.
The use of colours, such as rich beiges and golds gives the perfume a very glamorous/ expensive look to it. reinforcing this the model in the image ( Mariah Carey) is dressed very formally in what looks to be very expensive clothing, her long cream coloured dress, Diamond jewlery. This could perhaps be showing the audience what kind of women this perfume is targeting. This particular perfume could perhaps be targeted for upper class women.

Perfume research

This perfume would be seen as a punk/rock woman's perfume, due to the look that was chosen for the perfume. The use checkered patterns and black studded stars create a real rock look to the perfumes design, the dark purples and black colours reinforce this.

The way that Avril Lavigne is dressed in this advertisment also reinforces the idea of this being a punk/ rock perfume. Her dark makeup and studded belts and black gloves helps to show what social label she is trying in interpret. Her clothing also shows the audience exactly what type of people this perfume is targeted at. 

Monday 13 September 2010

Perfume research

Through my research into different p
erfumes and how they are advertised it has shown me that there are many designs, styles and perhaps social labels with in the product itself.  

This particular image to the left for example would be known as a 'girly' 
looking perfume. Due to the use of the stereotypical feminine colour pink.
Also the perfume bottle and box has a flower print on it which reinforces the idea of this perfume 
looking very girly and feminine.