Monday 4 April 2011

All adverts so far

TV adverts (Video here) Sponsored adverts
Here are all four sequences so far, I am quite pleased with the progress that I have made. However there are still things that are incomplete that I need to work on such as adding sound to all of my adverts. Over the past few days I have been working on adding sound to all of my sequences and am very happy with my progress. I left adding sound to my adverts as one of the last things to do to my sequences because I thought it would be easier to include sound when I have all my footage all there to work with.

Web pop up

Here is my web pop up advertising my perfume to audiences using the internet, I used Adobe Flash CS3 to create this short sequence- I also used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create these images and title. I am overall very pleased with the design it's simple but looks very effective - I carried out the same design from my TV advertisments with this web pop up. Before I created this piece I did a lot of research into real webpop ups which advertise perfume to get a better idea of what I needed to do in order to create a successful piece of work. If I could change anything this piece I would perhaps create more tree branches in the background to make it look a lot more interesting.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Sound research

Here are some real perfume adverts that thought were interesting, I selected these as they are similar to my own productions in terms of the fairy tale theme.

For all of my sequences I have decided to include

The sequence opens with a diagetic chiming sound coming from the snow globe, the then advert includes non-diagetic music and a voice over towards the end.

throughout the sequence the protagonist sings along with the music, this is unusual for a perfume advert and is not normally done- however I thought it a very interesting idea, as it helps us to engage with the character a lot more.

This advert opens with non-diagetic music and includes some diagetic ambience sounds, I really like this use of ambience sound as it helps the sequence to seem a lot more realistic.

Monday 28 March 2011

Monday 21 March 2011

Ancillary text...

For my Ancillary text I want to create a website pop up to advertise my piece, I decided to choose this choice of ancillary text because I believe this will be the one that I will work the best in. With the experience that I have through softwares such as photoshop, premier pro and flash I believe I could create a successful piece of work. To begin creating this piece of work I want to begin researching real website popups and look at the typical conventions that are used - in order to make my own piece look to be as successful.

Here is an advert on the website Youtube which I though was really interesting...

From this useful research it helped me pick up on a lot of typical features in web advertsing - this then helped me to think of ideas for my own web pop up. Here are some initial ideas/ designs and a story board that I would like my webpop up to look like.

Here are some of the ideas that I had created that to help me come up with a final design for my web pop up, out of all the designs I really like the tree branch design overall and I may use this for my final idea.

Here is my final storyboard/design for my web popup...